Wednesday 29 June 2016
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Crowdclub - Support your dreams and let them happen

Crowdclub - Innovation is our passion and passion our life. Crowdclub aims to become the greatest social network and e-commerce platform!

Crowdclub is far more than my first company. Crowdclub is an innovation. I have decided to make a change. And Crowdclub might do so only in a very modest scale, but it is the beginning of something bigger. Innovation, sustainability, as well as the focus on the customer are of most importance for me and standing at Crowdclub in the first place! Only with help of these 3 points we can change for the better, create wealth  and grow sustainably as a society, community, and part of the economy.

Crowdclub will bring great improvement. Disruptive technology and digital innovations such as this, are able to kindle exponential forces. Are these used effectively, economic development will benefit the population and therefore the states sustainable.

Crowdclub is a wake up call for the e-commerce platforms and social networks, because Crowdclub offers something completely new. A particular type of product support and also great opportunities. For the first time all have an equal chance that their dreams come true, and this opportunity will not only be there once, because it is anchored ubiquitously in the foundation of the platform. Crowdclub aims to create a sense of community. It will utilize the strength of the masses and reward this. Crowdclub aims to create a community that is happy if something really fantastic happens to a person who is not one himself. To put it another way and clearly explained: Crowdclub will democratize luxury!

The project creator/founder

Sören Creutzburg,  is a 18 years old pupil from Berlin,Germany.
He looks trustworthy and competent.
Nevertheless I still can’t believe he is 18 - he looks like 15.
But age seems to be unimportant today.
Young smart and dynamic or something like that.
In every case he got me.
He shows great passion for what he does and  passion as well as a mission always end up with success.

Link to the Project:

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