Steve and Kathleen Boden, from Winner Technologies have an ace up their sleeve for those looking to make pets comfy. Check out their unique AC for cats, dogs and pets called Cool Your Pet. Cool Your Pet is a lightweight 4 pound AC which provides as much as 4 hours of steady cooling on a single charge. This air conditioning unit keeps your pet cool and dry, without humidifying the air and harming them. Vets recommend the cooling technology that Cool Your Pet uses.
This 5.5×5.5×7 inch portable, lightweight and adaptable unit is currently ready for production and needs support on crowdfunding campaign page Kickstarter. The AC does not even require electricity as it runs on rechargeable batteries that can be powered easily and carry lifelong warranty. Cool Your Pet uses innovation rather than trying to fit square pegs in round holes. The Bodens present this unique initiative that thinks outside the box and cools up to 16 square feet of area with ease. Lend Cool Your Pet a helping hand, and stand up for a cause that all pet parents worldwide identify with. Extend a hand of support for this unique device and give man’s best friend a fitting gift.
If you want to support this project, Check out the Kickstarter Link below: