The Give A Little Campaign for Polio Pakistan is an initiative of Polio NZ Inc, a registered New Zealand charity founded to help those suffering from poliomyelitis. Gordon Jackman, programme manager for polio New Zealand and a polio survivor himself, was keynote speaker at “Advocacy for Rehabilitation Services for Post Polio patients in Pakistan” organized by Pakistan Pediatric Association and National Institute of Child Health, where he was witness to the resource crunch facing organizations combating polio and assisting survivors to lead normal lives. With 750,000- 1,000,000 polio survivors in Pakistan, there is a desperate need for rehabilitation services for polio survivors. Polio NZ is supporting the establishment of Polio Pakistan, an organisation run by and for polio survivors, to empower them to come together get access to the resources they need. The battle against polio will not be won until the global community can assure those who live with the disabling consequences of polio that their needs will be met and resources will be made available to enable them to function fully and freely in the societies in which they live - now and in the decades to come.
The Give A Little campaign is a step in that direction. Help share hope and give generously to the cause, to make a difference to the lives of polio survivors in Pakistan.
For more information, please visit POLIO PAKISTAN Campaign page:
Or listen to Gordon speak on National Radio with Catherine Ryan about his trip to Pakistan.