Monday 19 December 2016
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Heart to Art to Heart by Milena S. LoVeritas

Milena S. LoVeritas, creator of Heart to Art to Heart.

This project is the bridge for connecting to one another from the place of Love, Compassion, Kindness, Gratitude and the Joy of Giving and Receiving!

Creating from Heart to Art to Heart - Is about Us! Our Creations are Billion of voices that speaks of Peace, Love and Freedom. Raising the Creative Awareness in our Communities, Co-Creating together and Uniting in the Collective Mandala of All Creations, that Inspires people to tap into their own Creative Power and learn how to consciously use the same for the purpose of healing, evolving, expanding and manifesting better, more Loving World we live in.

We Are Creators, Co-Creators, Builders and Shakers of our own reality, why not co-creating a Masterpiece of it All !?

Milena says “It took me over three decades of exploring, researching the depths of Creative phenomena in Us as a Human species.

Perhaps better to say exercising, stretching and developing my creative talents/muscle’ before I received the gift’ of Epiphany – to Create from the space of Heart and share the love for the Humanity and Life itself , through the Arts and Creativity.

Heart To Art To Heart i.e.H2A2H - was born during my journey of being ‘homeless by choice’ living in the tent for 6 weeks, where I had an enormous breakthrough of many fears and have deepened the connection with Nature and my Creative Heart and Mind.”

After thousands of sleepless nights developing that idea , H2A2H has become a vehicle’/platform for our creative discussions, new ideas and topics that we’re exploring and expanding on our meetups, gatherings, workshops, webinars and social media.

“For the last three years, I’ve been taking every opportunity for sharing all of my creations in a different ways. Most of the times those are random acts of Creative Kindness where I would give to a stranger a painting, photo card, print, sculpture or invite them to the individual creative coaching session. My intention is to reach millions of Creative Hearts around the world through regular Live stream on social media, networking platforms as well as organising workshops and creative gatherings in the rural communities where we can all share and benefit from our talents and skills . And who knows what the new ideas will be added to this never ending work in Creative progress!” Says Milena.

Many of you know that All Creations contain a great amount of energy accumulated during the act of creating. When we create from the place of the Heart in alignment with our Minds, we are integrating all of our creative energy into the Creation Itself. Which is unavoidably an enormous amount of Energy force a ‘Container of Love” – “The Love Ball”. In the process of giving, the same energy is transmitted to the viewer and/or receiver, regardless of our awareness of it or not.

In my experience the Ultimate connection to one another is, the Creative Child within that speaks through our Heart’s Creations. Child that love Freedom and Liberation to Be and Live Authentically. This is our time as a collective to co-create together , to connect and collaborate with others on this rarely spoken language of compassion and love.

Milena says about her life - On September 21st, 1995, the love for my mother and my son propelled me into the world of the unknown in search for the better future for my family and myself.

After 21 years of dreaming’ about having my son and my mother in Australia with me, the Wheel of life has turned around and the same Love is pulling me now back to my roots.

It’s impossible’ for me to forget 16 hours of seating on the bench at the Central Station in Sydney, thinking: What now Milena? Here you are, arrived to the promised’ dream destination, where to go and what to do with this 50$ and a suitcase? … I had no any knowledge of English, no any friends or family members to turn too and I didn’t know anything about Australia, except that is beautiful Country!

I’ve gone through much violence even while I was growing up, but here in Australia the snowball was rolling downwards rapidly and my fears has broth to me exactly that what I was fearful from - rape, attempted suicide, physical, mental and emotional abuse, separation from my child, life-threatening car accidence, homelessness and even the attempted murder that I’ve miraculously have escaped. Below is the story about that attack (me aka ‘Karla’) written by Routh Pollard, published in the SMH Nov24 2008.

It took me over 15 years of constant learning and healing to overcome PTSD, Anxiety attacks, Depression, tremors on my hands … and many hidden fears that were engraved in my victimhood mindset.

Never the less , all of it has served me to become who I am now and for the greatest good of All - I believe. Only three years ago, I’ve made the Peace with all that I have been through and most importantly, I’ve finally have found forgiveness and Love for who I am now.

My mother Milica is 77 years of age and she lives on her own in Serbia. She was always supportive, strong, brave and open Hearted Lady that never complained about being alone. She suffers from many illnesses (Parkinson D. Back/Hip pain, Heart act) and can hardly walk at this stage. She believed in me even when I was broken in pieces and patiently waited all these years for me to recover. I believe most of my talents are passed to me from her amazing skills in Design, Saving, Knitting, Cooking, Crafting act.

Three years ago when I left Serbia for only a couple of months, I’ve said to my mum: “Mama, I will be back, never doubt or lose hope that everything will be ok somehow. I won’t let you be on your own nor I would ever let you down, no matter what.” …and Now is that time for me to fulfil my promises and give back to the One who deserves it the most.

My son Igor who is now 27 years of age, he was only 6.5y when we had to separate and he stayed with his nana in Serbia. Soon after his father find out that I’m in Australia, he took him away and have never returned him back to me. No words can describe the pain, sorrow and trauma that years of separation from my only child bring into my heart and into the heart of my son growing up without me.

Over 21 years we have seen each other only 4 times on my short visits to Macedonia. But the time and distance couldn’t separate our Hearts and deep connection we always had. We are both excited about our reunion and reconnection, Igor is also involved in H2A2H and is my only support at this stage.

I can’t find the words to describe how happy I am having my son on board, equally passionate about the purpose of this project.

This new beginning is exciting and overwhelming at the same time for all of us and in many ways very challenging. Serbia is struggling for decades from the last War in the early nineties, the times when I’ve left. People are losing their jobs or if they work they are often not paid for many months. The economy is collapsing rapidly and is hard to even imagine that once I get there, I’ll be able to find the job to support this Project and our living expenses. I refuse’ to even think that I might not be able to continue working on that what I’ve given everything for.

Its been a looong roller coaster journey for me , before I decided to ask for help because I know now that H2A2H is the Integration of all I’ve ever learned , experienced and developed over three decades of my creative living. Its my life and is not separated from my work or any other parts of who I am. Therefore, I know that no matter at what speed or how it might be , Heart to Art to Heart will spiral up and expend for the greatest good of Us All.

Milena S. Loveritas has supported this project all on her own for the last three years and she runs out of the resources for continuing and expending.

And because of that, she needs your help and has started a gofundme campaign with a goal of raising $12.5k, which will pay for the following expenses:

  • Paints, Brushes, Canvases … the accessories for Painting, Sculpturing, Crafting act. This expenses will also include editing of her E-book “Creating the Bridge from Fear to Love” : $ 4600
  • Computer, Printer , accessories and full virus protection : $ 2300
  • Camera and microphone for recording other Artists skills and messages : $ 1800 
  • Paid IT assistance , Marketing and Professional editing to her website : $ 1800 
  • Covering some of the printing and posting expenses for the new H2A2H creatives : $ 1500 
  • Creative Workshops material such as stationery, colouring books, crafting supply act : $ 500

Exclusive Rewards 

  • Creativity Coaching session (45’-1H) via Skype or other platform.
  • Custom made 3D painting with Your photo, name or your personal Auric colors - send to your address.
  • Access to her Live Painting sessions and Creative Coaching videos never realised before.
  • A Yearly subscription to her website, platform to follow the progress of H2A2H and to learn from the Creators around the World.
  • Articles and practical tools, techniques and tips to support you in the process of expanding and/or using your Creativity and Artistic talents in everyday living, send via email on the weekly bases.

Spread this message of Love, Peace and Freedom through Your talents and that what you love doing the most! Be the Inspiration to your brothers and sisters around the World!

Any contribution is planted seed to our Creative Garden where we’re preparing the soil for the New Generations to Grow and Expend their Creative Ideas !



Everybody we have opened a Creative Space @ Laguna, Hunter Valley NSW , the most incredible place sarounded by mesmerising Nature and Wild life in the Yengo Mount !

We are lining up a broad range of creative activities that are coming to H2A2H Creative Space over the next few months.

Please take the time to view what we’re co-creating togheter , get your calendars out, tell your tribe and join us with your open Creative Heart and Mind . We would love to see you.

From Our Hearts to Art to YOU!

Much Love xxx

Creative Space H2A2H @Laguna,Hunter

Local Musician Band

Thank You…

Thank You for supporting this project!

Thank You for Your Giving and Sharing Hearts!

Thank You for Your Generosity and Kindness!

Thank You for spreading the word of Peace, Freedom and Love !

Thank YOU From Our Hearts to Art to Your Hearts !

For more information about this project, please visit:


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